Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tournament Scenarios - Find What Was Lost

Round 3 – Find What Was Lost
“Recovering from the harrowing experience at the ruins, your team seems to have finally found their way to the burial site indicated in the glyphs. All you need to do now is find the relic. Unfortunately, someone else seems to have the same idea!”


The player that chose Initiative receives an extra Reserve Deploy. The player that chose Deployment has their Deployment Zone extended by 4”. There are four Objective Markers on the table. Nothing can be deployed within 4” of these Markers.

Starting from the second turn, if a model moves into base contact with a Marker, roll a die at the end of the Order. If the result is 1-15, remove that Marker. If the result is 16-20, instead remove all other Markers, and the remaining Marker is now carried by the model. If multiple models move into base contact simultaneously, the active player can choose which model carries the Marker.

The Objective Marker travels with the model, and cannot be transferred or taken unless the carrier is unconscious or dead, at which point the carrier’s controller drops the Marker in base contact with that model. A dropped Marker is automatically carried by a model that enters base contact with it. If there is only one Marker left on the table, it is considered dropped. As well, the carrier may not move within 8" of his back table edge.

+2 VP: Carry the Objective Marker at least once.
+2 VP: Knock a carrier unconscious or dead at least once.
+3 VP: Start your turn with the Marker in your possession at least once.

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