Thursday, February 16, 2012

Experimentation With Photos - Penemue's Yu Jing

I photographed some of Penemue's Yu Jing/ISS minis recently, as part of my learning process in photography. These photos were all taken in the basement of the LGS, with the only lighting being the lights on the ceiling, and using mostly automatic camera settings. Penemue brought in a funky little tripod, which was great since my own tripod is way too bulky to bring downtown.

Given the conditions I was photographing in, and the fact that I took very few pictures (meaning I had a very small pool to choose good shots from), I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had a decent shot of almost all the models I photographed. The glaring exception was the Sophotect, which for some reason just wasn't capturing any light. Also note that all of these models are completely gloss varnished, which tends to obscure paint jobs.

Ninja with Banana Sword

Dakini a.k.a. Bumblebee

Wu Ming with Boarding Shotgun


Sophotect hiding in shadows

1 comment:

  1. Poor Sophotect. As soon as the weather gets a bit nicer, I'll bring my matte varnish to bear on all of my gloss models.

    Thank you for introducing the gaming world to my Ninja's bananasword, by the way.
